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A5. Ozsoy, Z., Mailaender, P., Aydin, H., Ilvan, S., Berger, A., Ozsoy, S. :
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A6. Ozsoy, Z., Yaman, S., Aydin, H., Ozcan, H., Ari, C. :
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A7. Güneren, E., Ozsoy, Z., Ulay, M.,Eryilmaz, E ., Ozkul, H., Geary, P.M.:
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A8. Ozsoy, Z., G z , A., Gen., B. :
Two-plane injection of Botulinum toxin for the treatment of glabellar frown lines
Plast Reconstr. Surg. 110 (1) , 371-372 (2002) (Referance to the editor)
A9. Gen oglu , U., Güneren , E., G z , A., Ozsoy , Z., Vural , G.:
The coherence between fine needle aspiration cytology and histopathology of palpable neck nodes in lower lip carcinoma patients
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A10. Kul, Z., Ozsoy , Z., Dayicioglu , D.:
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A11. Turan, A., G z , A., Gen , B., Dayicioglu, D., Ozsoy, Z.:
Cleft lip/nose deformity and rhinolith
Plast Reconstr Surg. 113(3) , 1079 (2004) (Referance to the editor)
A12. Ozsoy, Z., G z , A., Gen , B.:
Two plane injection of Botulinum exotoxin A in glabellar frown lines
Aesthetic Plastic Surgery
(Kabul edildi 06.08.2003)
A13. Türkaslan, T., Erkalp, K., Dayicioglu, D., Ozsoy, Z.:
Use of nasal prothesis for anesthesia in head and neck surgery
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(Kabul edildi 20.11.2003) (Referance to the editor)
A14. Türkaslan, T., Dayicioglu, D., Ozsoy, Z.:
An easy method for large full thickness grafties defatting
Plast Reconstr Surg.
(Kabul edildi 04.12.2003) (Referance to the editor)
A15. Türkaslan, T., Ozsoy, Z., Ozcan, H.:
Surgical glove finger pieces for hair separation
Plast Reconstr Surg.
(Accepted in 05.01.2004) (Referance to the editor)
A16. Türkaslan, T., Ozsoy, Z., Ozcan, H.:
A sponge model for flap surgery
Plast Reconstr Surg.
(Accepted in 18.03.2004) (Referance to the editor)
A17. Türkaslan, T., Ozyigit, M.T., Ozcan, H., Ozsoy, Z., Turgut, H.:
Metastatic bronchogenic carcinoma of the hand
Plast Reconstr Surg.
(Accepted in 18.03.2004) (Referance to the editor)
A18. Türkaslan, T., Ozcan, H., Gen ,B., Ozsoy, Z .:
Combined intaoral and nasal approach to Tessier No:0 cleft with bifid nose
Anals of Plastic Surgery
(Kabul edildi 22 .03.2004) (Fact Presentation)
A19. Kul, Z., T rkaslan, T., Ozsoy , Z.:
Use of Van Buren dilator for insulin-induced lipodystrophy
Plast Reconstr Surg.
(Kabul edildi 03.04.2004) (Referance to the editor)
A20. G z , A., Gen , B., Özsoy , Z.:
A new skin flap design for the repair of proximal phalanx base defekts in
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Anals of Plastic Surgery
(Accepted in 13.07.2004)
A21. Özsoy, Z., Gen , B., G z , A.:
A new technique for the application of botulinum toxin in narrow and wide
Plast Reconstr Surg.
(Accepted in 15.07.2004) (Referance to the editor)
A22. Türkaslan, T., Özcan, H., Özsoy, Z., Dayıcıoğlu, D.:
Use of adhesives in cleft palate surgery: A new fixation technique
Journal of Craniofacial Surgery
(Accepted in 19.07.2004)
A23. Özsoy, Z., Gen , B.:
A case of bilateral carpal tunnel syndrome with palmaris longus and FDS
Handchir Mikrochir plast Chir 36 (4), 246-248 (2004) (Fact Presentation)
A24. Turan, A., Kul, Z., Haspolat, Y., Güler, C., Özsoy, Z.:
Use of tracheal tube in isolated fractures of the zygomatic arch
Plast Reconstr Surg. 114 (4), 1005-1006 (2004) (Referance to the editor)
A25. Turan, A., Kul, Z., Özyigit, T., G z , A., Özsoy, Z.:
Use of the scalp vein infusion set for irrigation in infections of the hand
Plast Reconstr Surg. 114 (4), 1004-1005 (2004) (Referance to the editor)
A26. Türkaslan, T., Güler, C., Özcan, H., Özsoy, Z.:
Eine neue Methode der Wiederherstellung ausgedehnter Unterlippendefekte:
dreischichtige funktionelle Rekonstruktion
Eur. Surg. 36, 18-19 (2004)
A27. Türkaslan, T., Özcan, H., Güler, C., Özsoy, Z., Turhan, A.:
Auflusen der axillaeren Verbrennungskontrakturen mit dem skapulaeren
Lappen im Kindesalter
Eur. Surg. 36, 22 – 23 (2004)
A28. Türkaslan, T., Güler, C., Özsoy, Z., Dayıcıoglu, D.:
Autologe Leistenlappen in der Leistenhernienchirurgie
Eur. Surg. 36, 25 (2004)